Category Archives: Divorce Support

Everything In My Life Is So Good So Why Do I Feel So Bad!

My life is so good in so many ways….. ……and there are so many people so much worse off. Why can’t I shake off this feeling and enjoy my life? I am so lucky. I have so much……a place to call home, a family I love, great friends…….so why do I feel like this? Sound familiar? If you find yourself feeling this way, keep reading. Sometimes in life things looks great on the outside, but...

Getting You and Your Children Through Divorce – One Small Tip with Huge Rewards

The moment when everything changed and nothing would ever be the same. “I’m done. It’s over.” And with that it was over. 11 years of my life was coming to an end and I had no say in the matter.   He wasn’t open to counselling. Wasn’t willing to have a conversation. There was no warning. It was over. My husband wanted a divorce. I had a 9 month old and a 3 year old...
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